Frequently asked questions
We understand that navigating a new school can sometimes be a stressful experience. This page has the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. If you would like any other information regarding enrolling your child at CIS, please contact our friendly Admissions Team by submitting our online inquiry form.
What are CIS’ school hours?
The school day runs from 8:30am to 3:30pm, with half day options for our nursery students.
When does the school year start and end?
Dates for the 2023/2024 school year are listed below. The printable calendar with key dates can be viewed here.
Semester |
Date |
Semester One |
14 August 2023 - 19 January 2024 |
Semester Two |
22 January 2024 - 13 June 2024 |
How many students are there at CIS?
There are approximately 3,000 students currently at CIS.
How many nationalities are represented at CIS?
Our student body comes from over 70 nations, and we have no one dominant nationality. We are a school that truly celebrates their internationalism.
Does CIS have a waitlist?
There is high demand for places at the Canadian International School and waitlists do exist for a number of year groups. For information on the availability of places, please contact our Admissions Executives for further information. It is advisable to apply for a place as early as possible.
Does the Canadian International School (CIS) have a Canadian curriculum?
The Canadian International School is an International Baccalaureate School.
Inspired by the IB PYP framework, our curriculum focuses on developing children's foundational social, literacy and numeracy skills, as well as their fine and gross motor skills.
Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 10
Reflecting our international context, our curriculum draws from the best curricula globally and is delivered within the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and IB Middle Years (MYP) framework.
Grades 11 and 12
The Diploma Programme follows a curriculum set by the IB. This ensures that students globally are studying the same course material and are prepared for examinations at the end of Grade 12.
One of the benefits of an IB education is the portability that it brings for our globally mobile community. We have found that our students are able to seamlessly transition to both other IB schools, and back to their national curriculum.
Are all teachers at CIS Canadian?
Approximately one third of our teachers are Canadian. They are joined by colleagues from other countries as well (for example: Australia, the UK, Europe, New Zealand and USA).
Are all teachers at CIS qualified?
Yes, all the teachers at CIS are formally qualified, and have prior teaching experience. Individual profiles of our teachers can be viewed in the staff directory.
Are there English Language entry requirements at CIS?
CIS English language proficiency requirements vary depending on a student’s grade. A detailed overview of the requirements can be found in the Entry requirements section on this website.
Will my child learn another language at CIS?
The Canadian International School offers an extensive language programme, meeting a wide range of needs and interests. Our languages page outlines what is offered across the grades. CIS also offers additional languages after school as part of the paid extra-curricular activities programme.
Will my child need to bring a computer to school?
Students in Grades 3 to 6 must have an iPad, while students in Grades 7 through 12 must have their own MacBook computer at school every day. Students bring their device to school each day, and take it home in the evening. Visit our Digital Literacy page to learn more about our "One to World Programme".
Does CIS have a school bus service?
Yes, we engage an independent, local school bus operator (Yeap Transport) to provide door-to-door bus transportation for our students. Full details can be found on this page of our website.
Does CIS have a school uniform?
Yes, we have a school uniform that all students wear. Details can be found on this page of our website.
Can my child buy lunch and snacks at school?
Sodexo is the school caterer and we have canteens at both campuses. Lunch and snacks are included in the school fees for all Kindergarten students, while students in Grades 1 to 12 can purchase lunch and/or snacks from the canteen, or may bring a packed lunch from home. Learn more about the canteen and what is offered on this page.
Do I need to pay for textbooks?
Most materials for classes are supplied by CIS. There will be some incidental costs that parents incur with equipment needed for class. Please visit the fees section our our website for further details regarding miscellaneous fees.
Is there an attendance policy at CIS?
Students are expected to attend school at all times unless excused by their parents or caregivers appointed by their parents. The minimum attendance requirement for all students is 90%. Please refer to clause 7.8 of the parent handbook.
Does CIS have a Parent and Teacher association (PTA)?
Yes. All parents and legal guardians with students enrolled at CIS are automatically members of the PTA.
The school year
All courses/grades are yearlong ‘courses’ and follow an academic year which begins in August and ends in June. Our calendar provides details on Semester start dates and scheduled holidays for the respective school year.
What is a course?
CIS is an international school that offers programmes for students from 2 to approximately 18 years of age. "Courses" at CIS are commonly referred to as grades. Nursery is offered as half day (3 hour) or full day programme. All other grades are offered on a full time basis and students attend school 5 days per week (Monday to Friday).
Details including the minimum entry requirements for each grade level, a brief course (grade) write up, and the details of the relevant awarding and/or governing body/bodies can be found in the student contract.
Teacher: student ratio and class sizes
All classes are staffed to ensure an optimal learning environment. As in all international school settings, the number of students in a class will fluctuate throughout the academic year - in line with demand and peak periods for admission and withdrawal.
In the kindergarten years, teachers are supported by two full-time instructional assistants in nursery and one full-time instructional assistant in pre-kindergarten, junior and senior kindergarten, allowing teachers to focus on each child’s emotional and social well-being.
Our bilingual classes (pre-kindergarten to grade 6) have two teachers per class. Students will learn in Chinese one day, and in English the next. In addition to the teacher, each class is supported by an instructional assistant.
Tuition fees (course fees)
Full details regarding tuition (course /grade level) fees and our refund policy can be found on this page.
Is CIS a baby bonus approved institution?
Yes, we are an Approved Institution under the Baby Bonus Scheme.
Parents of Singaporean children who have a Child Development Account (CDA), can now use funds from that account to pay their child(ren)’s Kindergarten tuition fees. Parents may also use funds from a sibling’s CDA account to pay Kindergarten tuition fees.
How do I make payment?
Tuition payments from your child’s CDA can only be made via GIRO or NETS. For payment by GIRO you must obtain a CDA Interbank GIRO application from your bank and bring it to the Finance counter in the Main Office. If you wish to pay by NETS, you will have to obtain a Baby Bonus NETS Card from your bank and pay at Finance counter in the Main Office.
What information do I have to provide to CIS?
The MSF requires Approved Institutions to collect certain information and documentation when tuition fee payments are made via CDA. A list of the information we require from you can be found here.
Where can I learn more about the Baby Bonus scheme?
More information about the Baby Bonus scheme can be found on the MFS Baby Bonus website.
If you have any questions concerning CIS’s procedures for collecting tuition fee payments via CDA, please email our Finance Department.
Does CIS appoint recruitment agents to assist students with school applications?
CIS has appointed both local and overseas recruitment agents to assist parents with school applications. Agents are appointed/reviewed annually, and monitored on an ongoing basis. If you are an agent and are interested in learning more, please contact
A list of the agents currently appointed by CIS can be viewed on this page.
The importance of play in kindergarten

Play-based learning in early childhood education is widely recognised to cultivate in young learners the foundational skills needed to succeed in further stages of learning and inquiry. Learning through play for our youngest students happens through engaging, meaningful and socially interactive experiences with their peers and with the world at large.
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The importance & benefits of extracurricular activities in school

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The advantages of bilingual education for your child

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Grade level placement guidelines at Canadian International School

Learn more about CIS grade level guidelines, the reason behind them, and how they differ across different countries and schools.