27 Dec 2015

Sharing our stories in a digital age

By Michael Black
Photograph by CIS Communications

‘Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.” Laurie Anderson

Our desire to tell stories is a practice that drives most of us throughout our lives. Straight to the point, we all just want someone to listen. I’d argue this theory holds true not only in our personal journey but also in our educational journey. Now in my second year of working within a 1:1 iPad classroom there is no doubt in my mind that allowing technology to become an active tool within the classroom provides students with a greater opportunity to create, communicate and reflect on their own stories. My short time in the 1:1 world has been a revelation. I’ve noticed a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of content as well as a greater desire for students to share their work due to what I believe is a more personal connection to the learning process.

When asked what the most exciting element of the 1:1 world programme has been for me to date, the answer is always one simple word, creation. I firmly believe that through creation students begin to unlock their potential that was previously inconceivable with classical education materials. Through the guidance of our brilliant EdTech team I was turned onto Dr. Ruben R. Puentedura’s SAMR model. The model aims to support teachers in designing and infusing digital learning experiences that utilise technology, into the curriculum. The ultimate goal is to climb the ladder to the Redefinition achievement level to allow students access to more powerful learning experiences.
