Community & Service 5 May 2017

CIS Colour Warz: A Vibrant Celebration of Unity and Team Spirit

By Leslie Morgan, Student Council Advisor
Photograph by CIS Communications

Inspired by India’s Holi festival, the Student Council Social Committee organised the first ever CIS Color WarzzZ. The event took place on 4 May (aka “Star Wars day: May the 4th be with you”) and was a great way for secondary students to have some fun at the end of the day. DJ Tai was there to provide the music and the Social Committee made sure everyone was armed with handfuls of coloured powder and colour-filled water balloons.

Once the first balloon was launched, everyone hit the field and quickly turned the scene into a riot of colours. Sprays of yellow blew in the breeze, fuchsia streaked shirts, purple flecked arms and legs, but battle has never seen so many smiles nor heard so much giggling and shrieking. The afternoon was a fantastic way for everyone to have a laugh and blow off steam, and we even spotted some pink hair and green hands the next day.
